
What Democracy Means Today

The true forms of government therefore, are those in which the one, or the few, or the many, govern with a view to the common interest; but governments which rule with a view to the private interest, whether of the one, or of the few, or of the many, are perversions.
-Aristotle, Politics [Bk. III: Ch. 7]
The reason I bring this up is because:
  1. It is a good observation which is obviously equally relevant today as in ancient Greece.
  2. In Macroeconomics we learn about central banking. A simple research will yield the fact that both the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve are privately-run corporations separate from government. The implication of this is the following.
Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, founder of the famous Rothschild finance dynasty, is quoted as saying, "give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws."
If we now consider that it is the private corporation called the Bank of Canada or the Federal Reserve in the United States, which controls our nations' money, we may begin to understand the real democracy (or perversion thereof) that we live in. 
No Disclaimer: I am no conspiracy theorist. This is exactly what is happening if we investigate the matter (please do!). If you're reading this, you have an open mind and can make decisions for yourself.

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